Minister Search Update

The VIUF Minster Search Workgroup has identified one potential candidate for the quarter time minster position: Victoria Poling

Victoria graduated with a Master of Divinity, School of Theology & Ministry, Seattle University in 2020. Her background includes experience in leading worship, community organizing, and spiritual formation and has 12 years of church leadership as staff and lay leader.

Her self-identified strengths include deep listening, preaching, diagnosing systemic organizational challenges, adult education, bereavement, worship planning, group facilitation, strategic planning, coming of age and adult spiritual formation rites of passage, and music.

The Minster Search Workgroup interviewed Victoria on Thursday October 27th and are looking forward to welcoming her to preach in person at VIUF on Sunday November 6. The title for her sermon is: Life is Change, Love Remains.

We encourage those in our fellowship to attend the November 6 service and to read Victoria’s resume as to better familiarize yourself with her ministerial experience.

The Minister Search Workgroup will be meeting soon after the November 6 service to discuss our next steps regarding the position. Please feel free to share any of your comments or concerns with the candidate or our process. See below for contact information for this group.

As a reminder, the posted job position included the following:

Reason for your search: 
Vashon Island Unitarian Fellowship is seeking a quarter time minister to assist our fellowship in obtaining a deeper connection to Unitarian Universalist Theology and to assist in building a stronger connection with our UUA values and our Vashon community.  This minister would work closely with our Program Committee and our Board. Our preference is to hire a minister who would be on-site in-person on Vashon for ¾ of the position, for example 7 services and office hours held in person on Vashon. The position has the opportunity to add additional services in person or remotely, to be paid on a per-service rate in accordance with UUA guidelines.

Describe the primary areas of focus for the minister:

  • Our goal for this Quarter Time minister position is to assist our fellowship in building a stronger connection to the Vashon community in UUA values, theology & beliefs. This would be achieved by:
  • Leading 10 Sunday services throughout our service year (September – June). VIUF Sunday services are scheduled to start September 11, ideally the minister would be hired in time to start the service year.
  • Monthly “office hours” for Pastoral Care Support.
  • Consultation/Insight on Youth/Family RE growth and support for our Program committee in development of our remaining services.
  • Bridging & UUA celebration ceremonies; weddings or funerals if requested.
  • Assisting with VIUF with UUA Ritual & Membership Growth including new membership educational classes.
  • If the need arises, VIUF representation with the Vashon Faith based community.


Please provide feedback to these individuals either or in person or email.

VIUF Minister Workgroup Members:

Bob Blauvelt
Alix Clarke
Kate O’Hare
Robbie Rohr
Catherine Sullivan
Beth White
