In accordance with our bylaws, our Annual Meeting will be held on May 21st during our usual service time @ 9:45am. Members are asked to come in person for the vote. If you are unable to come in person – you will be able to attend and vote via zoom or you can set up a proxy, who will be able to vote for you.
>> Please take a moment to confirm your attendance or assign a proxy here.
(if you have not yet let us know your plans)
Below, you will find documents for the meeting. Please take a moment to review them ahead of time so that we can move through the vote quickly.
- Annual Meeting Agenda
- Minutes from the 2022 Annual Meeting
- Proposed 2023-2024 Operating Budget
- Nominating Committee Report – Slate of Officers
- Proposed By-Laws changes, including our name change
If you have any questions about the above documents and proposals, please address them to Kim – or if your questions are about the budget – contact our treasurer, Kirk, before the meeting.
Victoria and our committee leaders also put together reports that they will share briefly about. If you would like to read the full reports, you can do so below:
- Minister’s Annual Report
- Lay Pastoral Committee
- Stewardship Committee
- Membership Committee
- Name Change Task Force
- Facilities Committee
- Program Committee
- Social Justice Committee
If you plan to attend via zoom, please note that due to inconsistent wifi and lag time in Lewis Hall, you will only be able to ask questions and participate via the chat feature in zoom.