Antiracism Learning Circles 

You are invited to join an Antiracism Learning Circle this fall. It’s on Zoom, so you can join from anywhere!  First Unitarian in Portland is the organizer, and circles start the week of September 23rd.

Full descriptions, schedules & registration information are HERE.

A printable flyer is HERE.

LEARNING CIRCLES are small discussion cohorts based on a book or podcast that provide:

  • Important learning about white supremacy, racism, and our national history
  • The opportunity to build trust and go deep in small group discussions over time
  • A safe place to have difficult discussions and deal with discomfort
  • An opportunity to create and strengthen relationships with others
  • Connection, focus and purpose in a virtual setting

This fall 2024 we are offering:

  • Seeing White – the real history of the US, the one none of us were taught in school. Start your journey here! Documentary podcast series from Scene on Radio.
  • The Land That Has Never Been Yet – an examination of whether we have ever had a real democracy. Documentary podcast series from Scene on Radio.
  • The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story – edited by Nikole Hannah-Jones – a profoundly reveling vision of American past and present.
  • Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication – by Oren J. Sofer, including skill building around curiosity and care.
  • Caste: The Origins of our Discontents – by Isabel Wilkerson.  How we have been shaped by a hidden caste system.
  • Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America – by Heather Cox Richardson.  What we need to do to reclaim democracy.
  • How We Win the Civil War: Securing a Multiracial Democracy and Ending White Supremacy for Good – by Steve Phillips, including analysis of how the Confederates have never stopped fighting.
  • Indian Country 101 – learn Native history in the US up to the present.  Build skills to offend natives less and engage with tribes more effectively.


  • Each cohort (typically 4-12) gathers for a series (from 6-12 sessions) of facilitated Zoom discussions.
  • Register for specific Learning Circle(s).  Meeting dates & times vary.
  • Everyone is given the opportunity to share reactions, then discuss as a group
  • We ask that you plan to attend all sessions so we can build bonds of trust and insight

For questions contact Jody Feldman @