Congregational Study/Action Issues (CSAIs)

One of the ways that UUs work together on social justice is to participate in Congregational Study/Action Issues.

A study/action issue continues for 4 years of study, reflection and action.

These issues are selected by vote at the General Assembly. 3 issues have been submitted to vote on this year. Twenty-five percent of all certified congregations must participate and a majority of those congregations participating must vote in favor for the CSAIs to be included in the GA agenda.

Here are the 3 issues. Consider which of these you would like to learn more about, and let Rev. Victoria know: .

Housing: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Access to safe and affordable housing will reduce suffering and save lives. The problems of systemic racism, economic injustice, ageism and ableism, homophobia and transphobia prevent many people from obtaining adequate shelter. Purchasing or renting adequate housing can be difficult. Individuals and families ask congregations for sanctuary.

Fat Liberation: Building Justice and Inclusion for Larger Bodies
Fat people are discriminated against in healthcare, employment, and housing and stigmatized in all areas of life. Fat liberation seeks to end this injustice, which exists at the intersection of racism, sexism, ableism, and capitalism. By studying weight bias, Unitarian Universalists can advocate for the acceptance of all bodies.

Abolition is Faith Formation
The Church of the Larger Fellowship proposes a CSAI which utilizes what we’ve learned through our Worthy Now Prison Ministry to bring Abolition Faith Formation to the wider UU community. We define Abolition with a holistic lens that includes how to establish transformative justice practices all the way through dismantling the prison industrial complex. Abolition and how it relates to our Unitarian Universalist theology is largely not understood or misunderstood as a foundational practice of our faith.