Seabeck Retreat

Date(s) - 08/17/2018 - 08/19/2018
All Day

Seabeck Conference Center


Seabeck Weekend (August 17-19th) is a go!  A $40/adult non-refundable deposit will hold your spot and if you aren’t sure where you want to stay, we will have all the information you need to help you decide.  It promises to be another lively retreat (Andrea has some great ideas for programs) so don’t miss out and sign up early.  If you’d like to offer up your talents  in some form of programming (spiritual, creative, physical or other), be sure to chat with Andrea, Melvin or myself. Camperships may be available, we are still working through that, more to come..  See you on Sunday!  Lori and Andrea, Seabeck Registrars.