The Board will give a year in review report.
We will honor our members and friends who have given so much of their time and talent to our fellowship throughout the past year.
We will present our vision for the upcoming service year and give information about the summer events.
Our treasurer, Kirk Barker, will present our budget for 2023/24 for discussion and approval. Here is the link to the proposed budget – please review prior to the annual meeting. Reach out to Kirk with any questions you may have.
We will vote on the slate of new members to the Board. Currently, we have two nominees. If you are interested in being on the Board, please contact Judy Whitney.
The Board will present three bylaws changes for approval:
- Change our name from Vashon Island Unitarian Fellowship to Vashon Island Unitarian Universalists.
- Change our governing rules for Board and Business meetings from Robert’s Rules to Democratic Rules.
- Remove references to subdivisions of the UUA such as the Pacific Northwest Region and Puget Sound UU District.
The bylaws changes are an “important decision” according to our bylaws, which means that the quorum for the meeting is a majority of active members and we need a supermajority to pass the bylaws changes.
If you would like to discuss these changes before the meeting, several board members will be available after our service on May 14 to discuss the changes and answer questions – or you can reach out to them directly. We will not have time for a full discussion at the annual meeting, so make sure you get your questions answered ahead of time.
Please confirm your attendance or arrange for a proxy by filling out this quick online form.
Looking forward to seeing you then!
The Board:
Kim Kambak, President
Pamela Godt, Vice-President (term ending 6/2023)
Kirk Barker, Treasurer
Catherine Sullivan, Secretary (term ending 6/2023)
Craig Hull, Member At-Large (term ending 6/2023)
Kate O’Hare, Member At-Large
The Annual Meeting was not recorded.