Once Upon a Time

As Matt says, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women are merely players.”  If Shakespeare was right about this…why do we continue to produce so many tragedies?  Join us for an examination of the transformative power of story in our individual and collective lives.  We are delighted that guest musicians Camille Coldeen and Gus Reeves will play for the service.

Labyrinth Learners, K-5th

We are spending the first half of our year learning about who we are as Unitarian Universalists. That includes our symbols, our rituals and an introduction to our UU ancestors who used their faith as a guide to living.

This Sunday we will meet Lydia Maria Child, famous Unitarian author of the Thanksgiving poem “Over the River and Through the Snow”. She also wrote books for adults arguing against slavery, which both negatively impacted her career and helped others begin to voice their concerns. 

Please send your child with a coin or two for the offering jar. The kids chose a group every year to raise funds for to donate. This year they are donating to the Vashon Community Care Center.

Middle School Explorers
Last Sunday our middle school explorers considered the role of covenant in the Jewish faith and the idea that Jews were the “chosen people.” They also learned the Hebrew phrase tikkun olam which means “repair of the world” and the role that plays in their covenant with God.
This week they will continue to look at covenant in the Jewish faith through the story of Moses and the Ten Commandments.
