Speaker: Rev. Victoria Poling

Christmas Eve Service

Come and affirm the mystery (and magic) of new beginnings: of light returning after Solstice, of new life being birthed in such an unlikely place as a manger. Let us rekindle courage and generosity, lighten our burdens, and renew our commitment to extend sanctuary and care within our web of relations.

The Practice of Repair

Where do you go to lay your burden down? To repair your spirits. Your heart. Your soul. Today we’ll visit places in the world, in the heart, and in our community, where we can practice the art of repair. Where spiritual practices don’t bypass our issues and needs; they bring us closer to actions that … Continue reading The Practice of Repair

The Practice of Deep Listening to One Another’s Testimony

Mister Rogers famously affirmed, “Listening is where love begins.” In UU, we listen to many sources for making meaning of what happens in our complex lives. Yet one of the primary sources UUs tend to listen to for evaluating truth claims is the testimony of our own experience and the lived experiences of others. As … Continue reading The Practice of Deep Listening to One Another’s Testimony

Who Do We Need to Find a Way?

Stewardship is about more than money. It’s about our relationships. Relationships give us audacious hope, and ways of being generous, just and equitable in our communities. Today we’ll learn about the audacious hopes of UU ancestor and Civil Rights advocate Whitney Young, and of Seattle and Tacoma community organizers. And we’ll ask ourselves where VIUUs great … Continue reading Who Do We Need to Find a Way?