Sunday Service Leader & Coordinator Training

October 13, after Sunday Service, 11:30ish–1:30pm. Please bring a sack lunch.


Returning to Lewis Hall by popular request is our Sunday Service Leader & Coordinator Training. This is for anyone who is planning to participate in leading or coordinating a service this year–and for anyone who is interested in trying it out.


Are you wanting to learn more about why we do what we do on Sunday? Or how our Sunday Service elements go together? Maybe you’d like some tips on selecting music for service. Would you like to bravely open yourself up to input on your presence and delivery?


This is a collaborative effort. Rev. Victoria will present and guide some of the practice, and you will hear from others with experience as well.

If you’d like to participate in shaping the topics we will cover, please fill out this Training Topic Questionnaire by next Thursday, Oct. 3.