Topic: Awe

Ritual for a New Year

Please join us this Sunday for service. Alix Clarke will lead a Pagan inspired service with four opportunities to release last year and make intentions for the new year. A fun service filled with music and symbolism. There is no RE on December 29th and January 5th.

A Season of Awe and Wonder

The light is once again overtaking the darkness. Let us come together and rejoice! Youth RE.  Nancy Scott Wienker and Andrea Braganza will facilitate an “awe” themed class focusing on Hanukkah and Solstice, the miracle of the oil and the returning of the light. There will also be a fun beeswax candle making project! **Please … Continue reading A Season of Awe and Wonder

We Are Stardust

A special service led by Religious Exploration Youth. VIUF Youth will focus on “stars” for their awe-themed service – wishing on stars, Star of Bethlehem, Solstice Star, North Star, Star of David and the stuff of which we are made. In addition to leading Sunday’s service, we welcome spoken word artist, Malea Dickerson, whose theme is … Continue reading We Are Stardust