Topic: Covenant

Who We Are

Members of the Fellowship will lead us in an exploration of “Who We Are.” We will talk about our Fellowship, what it means to be a member, and how to get involved. Service begins at 9:45 and Religious Education classes are offered for children and youth.  The Vashon Resettlement Committee is the recipient of today’s … Continue reading Who We Are

To Begin. And To Begin Again.

Please join us as we welcome our new Intern Minister, Matt Aspin, who will be speaking on “To Begin.  And To Begin Again.”  There will be an opportunity to join Matt for a Talk Back after the service.

Welcome Back & Water Ceremony

Welcome back everyone!  Our first Sunday service after summer break will be our annual Water Ceremony.  Please bring some water that represents something you did/experienced while VIUF was on break. We will then blend our waters together at the ceremony.

Sustainable Ministry

How do smaller congregations fund professional ministry without breaking the bank? Janine Larsen, our Congregational Life staff contact, will speak about exciting new models for sustainable ministry in smaller congregations.

Please Join Us

Our Sunday Services are transformative! They begin at 9:45 am and end at 11 am, with messages given by Rev. Heather Christensen, guest speakers, or members of VIUF. Most Sundays, children stay with their parents for the first part of the service before leaving for Religious Exploration classes