Topic: Intention

When the Going Gets Tough

The chasm between our highest aspirations and the current reality we see can sometimes seem insurmountable. How do we keep moving forward when our spirits begin to falter?

What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully

This Sunday, February 11, we will be hearing from VIUF elders who will share their thoughts on living and dying.  Donna Klemka will be interviewing Myrla Dean and Beryl Bucklin.  You won’t want to miss this fascinating conversation! After the service there will be an opportunity for those who are interested to sign up for individualized … Continue reading What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully

What is Resilience?

Sunday January 28, Terry Sullivan will speak on “What is Resilience?  Why is it important and what do we need to do to achieve it?”

Rest. Renew. Live With Intention.

This Sunday January 21 please join us at 9:45 AM to hear The Reverend Terry Hershey, author of The Weekly Audio Sabbath Moment, speak to us with a sermon entitled “Rest.  Renew.  Live With Intention.”

Ritual for a New Year

Please join us for our ‘Ritual for a New Year’. This pagan-inspired service includes beautiful music, chants, calling the 4 directions using the 4 elements and meditation. This will help us release what we don’t want to retain from 2017, and allow us to envision and set our intention for what we want to attain in … Continue reading Ritual for a New Year