Topic: Possibility

Reflections and Voices on Migration

Human rights activists, Rob Crawford and Merna Ann Hecht, will share their reflections on migration, asylum seekers and closed borders from their recent travels to Europe for further study concerning the migration crisis.  Our community offering/collection will go towards Advocates for Immigrants in Detention Northwest (AID NW), and they have some current needs right now, … Continue reading Reflections and Voices on Migration

The Invoice

We welcome back Rev. Amanda Aikman who will tell us a fable about how a huge invoice leads a man to solve the mystery of what makes a life of happiness and meaning. In RE this week, we’ll be exploring Impossible Possibilities!  What was once considered impossible that we now enjoy?  What can we imagine … Continue reading The Invoice

Abundance & Possibilities: Regional Possibilities for the New Year.

The Reverend Tandi Rogers is the Congregational Life Representative for the Pacific Western Region of the Unitarian Universalist Association, and will be our speaker. In RE this week, we’ll usher in the new year through exploring the possibility of you. This month’s theme of Possibility will allow us to discover the possibilities life holds through … Continue reading Abundance & Possibilities: Regional Possibilities for the New Year.