Topic: Risk

Talking About a Gender Revolution

Gender, everyone’s talking about it. Last month it garnered its own National Geographic special issue and Katie Couric hosted an hour long documentary on the changing understanding of gender. Join us as two of our VIUF youth, Ray Lewis and Leo MacLeod, share their personal transgender experiences and guide us in exploring the new landscape … Continue reading Talking About a Gender Revolution

The Biggest Risk of All

Mary Oliver asked us, “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”  Join us as we listen to Intern Minister Matt Aspin and consider the importance of this question in our lives and how to make sure our unique answer doesn’t get lost in the noise of … Continue reading The Biggest Risk of All

Phil’s Camino

A special service in conjunction with “A Vashon Conversation with the Living About Dying”.  Islander Phil Volker will be joining us to talk about the documentary “Phil’s Camino” which tells the story of his pilgrimage walking through Stage IV cancer here on Vashon and on the El Camino de Santiago in Spain.  We will be privileged … Continue reading Phil’s Camino